Sunday, October 5, 2008

The increasingly-apparent literal Civil War

I've been busy with other things and I've all but abandoned trying to do meaningful writing lately. Unfortunately I have to actually take some time right now to do this piece. I can't avoid this because I think this needs to be put out there, even by someone as "unimportant" as me.

This is painful for me to say. I wouldn't have believed it but then, given the events of the last three or four months, nothing in America should surprise me or anyone else any longer. I'm not going to "qualify" my remarks except to say that those who have read my writing know both what my intelligence level is and how my brain works (I'm exceptional at "puzzle building", a particularly useful skill when taking bits of information from different sources and putting them all together in an effort to recognize the "big picture"). That's what I do, it's what I'm good at, and I've come to trust these instincts when I have to call upon them. I have to do that now.

There is a Civil War coming in this country. I'm not talking about a simple war of words or ideologies, but a real, live shooting war. It's going to take place in the streets, starting in either the cities or outside of them (but not both), probably starting in the next thirty to ninety days. It's going to eventually involve exceeding numbers of ordinary citizens doing what they feel they must, and unlike the war of the 1860s, this one will leave this nation shattered. America, as we have come to know it, will no longer be, probably within the next year and definitely within the next five to ten years. I'll write much more on this later, but I just want this dated and out in the open, right now. It's coming, folks. You should prepare for it.


Anonymous said...

War is what the Neo-cons are betting on. The old saying "from chaos comes order." Marshall law will be declared and racial tensions will heighten as they haven't in nearly 40 years. I lived through the riots of 1968 and 1992 in Los Angeles. I believe the next riots will be calamity unlike anything we've ever seen in this country. Liberals will align themselves against conservatives Blacks against Whites, Hispanics against Whites and a total disruption of the order of things as we know it. Army units have already been called back from Iraq to be used if such trouble errupts from the current ecomonomic crisis, so you can see that the Federal Government anticipates this calamity as they have probably been in its apparent planning.

My gut feeling tells me that these are just the beginning of hard times ahead and for some of us, the beginning of the end. It will be interesting to see how the different factions will divide themselves up in this country. I see the South as primarily a bastion for blacks and minorities, the Northeast divided among Conservativs and Liberals. Much of the White Christian conservatives will be forced to the corn belt states and further out West. The coastal regions of the West will be primarily fortresses of Liberals and minorities along with the southwestern states reverting back to Mexico. Ultimately when this country breaks apart at the seams in will look like a crude jigsaw carved it up like a brisket at a Saturday football tailgate party.

Ultimately, the united states is too big for the U.N. world elite to rule, so they are all betting on this restructuring or Balkanization like occured in Yugoslavia. THis will cause the U.N. to call in their Chinese, Russian and German puppets to unleash their peace keeping goons upon us. Hopefully, many of us can find refuge in the mountains and forrests long enough to stave off any attempts of making us surrender to the New Order of things.

It is coming and its growing like a giant storm cloud. It only needs the right element to unleash all hell upon us. As Obama says, "change it is a-coming." Unfortunately for us its the change that nightmares are made of.

oldageandtreachery said...


You pretty much sum up exactly where this nation is headed. People think I'm a loon when I start saying that we're approaching the point of no return for the United States, and the election of Barack Obama pretty much pushes us past that point. Even if he loses we're in deep caca, and we may not be able to avert the breakup of our nation. We're on a brink that nobody seems to be awake to...and at this point I wonder whether it's even worth trying to call anyone's attention to it.

Anonymous said...

A thought:

Would the civil war be started if Obama does not get elected? Or if he does get elected and is assassinated?

oldageandtreachery said...

My thinking is that the start of the crisis would occur immediately after the election if Obama does not win, with major urban areas breaking out in riots that would make '68 look like a trip to Disneyland. From there the situation would depend entirely upon the collateral damage and the situation with the economy. If both are bad, or if factions develop along ideologic AND geographic lines, or both, things could get considerably worse and could deteriorate into something resembling Grant and Lee. On the other hand, if Obama is elected the polarizing effect will be pronounced, but will be inclined to fester rather than flare. This, again, will depend much on the economic situation, but also on the policy shifts that Obama brings about. If the Affirmative Action President (and let's face it, that's what we're talking about here) institutes policies that advance that sort of agenda we'd be looking at a tinderbox waiting for a spark. What that spark might be is anyone's guess, but I truly believe we'd be sitting on a ticking time-bomb.

Of course this is all just speculation, and I could just be carrying on some kind of degenerate melodrama in my own mind. But I've come to trust and rely upon my ability to see the big picture far in advance of most people. That picture is still a little fuzzy at the moment, but it's coming more and more into focus as these days pass and I'm not at all liking what I'm seeing.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Obama will win. And I do believe that there will be some sort of rioting if this is the case. The far left are prone to impulsive violence and I can see that happening, quite easily. I hope that it won't turn into an all out free-for-all, but I imagine it would be bad. With any luck and lot's of prayers perhaps it can be contained before causing irreparable damage.

Anonymous said...

It'll be just like Y2K all over again! Stock up on canned food and ammunition, the end of whites-only rule in American is nigh.

oldageandtreachery said...

A victory by Barack Obama doesn't represent any great strengthening of the African-American in this country, any more than his defeat represents a setback for blacks in and of itself--in fact we could just as easily see the REVERSE phenomena in both cases. That's about all I have to say about the whole "whites-only rule" thing, because that statement is just race-bait that I'm not going to take.

On second thought, I will add this; that racism in America is alive and well, and will continue to be as long as people say absurd things like "the end of whites-only rule in American is nigh" when such a statement holds no bearing and provides nothing useful to the conversation at hand. Racism, it should by now be clear, is present on both sides of the coin but is CLEARLY fostered more profoundly by the very people who claim to be victims of it.

As for bullets and canned goods, I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I've stocked up on both. Given the uncertainty of so many of the situations we face at the moment, preparation only makes good sense. We're teetering on economic collapse of a kind and on a scale as has never been seen in history; this, coupled with an election that has and will continue to polarize the electorate (also in ways and on a scale unlike we've seen in nearly two centuries) and we're looking at a potential disaster in the making. These dual situations have already shown a violent and hateful underbelly (from BOTH SIDES, it should be noted) and that will only get worse in the days leading up to and immediately following the election. I'm a social moderate who could never be accused of being "racist", but I can tell you I positively will not recognize Barack Obama as my President (I cannot and will not ever honor a man so clearly anti-American as this one, who has charmed and conned his way into contention for this most high office despite his undeniable lack of fitness for the position or respect for the nation he would serve). If this is how I feel, how will those who DO harbor racist tendencies feel? How will those who have served in uniform, only to see a Socialist (the opposite of what it means to be an American) be handed the highest office in the land feel? How will all Americans feel when the idiotic policies of Barack Obama and his leftist cronies in Congress bring this country to it's knees and quite possibly to the brink of non-existance?

Yes, I'm stocking up on useful goodies I may have to employ to keep my family safe from any number of situations that could occur as a result of this economic turmoil coupled with this absurd election. I'll be ready if the country implodes; I'll be ready if the heart of America decides to revolt against the rotting, festering limbs that are poisoning us from both coasts (and a few "measles" in between). I'm prepared for that time when true Americans either reclaim our nation from those who have hijacked it, or decide (as it seems we may need to) to claim our birthright, then rebuild this once-great nation AS IT WAS FOUNDED AND INTENDED BY OUR FOREFATHERS, not as it has been bastardized by those who would see America fall. I'm prepared--and lots more just like me are, too. You people who rejoice at the rending of the American fabric may enjoy this moment in the sun, but you can be sure that true Americans aren't going down without a fight. Barack Obama and his leftist minions might yet steal this election in November (though I'm not so certain of that just yet)--but that victory will be short-lived and hollow. I'm prepared for what comes after.

In fact I'll be putting up a few extra reserves, now that I've thought some more about this. And bear in mind, I'm the NORMAL guy. Wait 'til you get a load of the LUNATIC FRINGE!